Part 75. Electrics sorted out

I finally got all the electrics sorted out. The car has combined wire harnesses from 1964 (engine), 1966 (cabin) and V4 (rear), so there was a little bit of figuring out what connects where and which wires are not needed… But it’s all working now:

Front parking lights.

Rear end is close to finished.

Stone guards.

I’m trying to figure out if this is the correct locking knob for the door – I have a bunch of different sorts…

Windscreen wipers.

Rear shelf in place. Still needs the front edge rubber which hasn’t been cleaned yet.

Basically I can now fit the dash! I still need the little card pieces in the footwell and need to do some sound insulation. Also I do not have the headliner and need to make it myself or have one made…

I’m hoping that I will get the Sport seats before IntSaab. I don’t know if I can get the car completely finished before it but hopefully it will be in good enough shape that I can bring it to the event anyway.

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