We decided to go through the gearbox and check if there’s any problems. Fortunately no major issues but there were some that needed to be fixed. Some photos and explanations:
The gears and bearings felt really good. No obvious problems there. The sync rings are somewhat worn but as the car is going to be slam-shifted anyway, I decided to live with them – and not take the whole box apart.
A little bit more serious fault. The main axle locking washer has failed and the nut had become slightly loose. This might have caused serious problems further down the road.
Here’s the cause. The washer has failed before and someone has welded in a new “tooth” to go in the axle groove. It allowed the washer to move around and become loose.
On the left a new locking washer with a good “tooth”.
Main axle nut with a proper locking.
Some old damage – the reverse gear nut has become loose on some point and eaten a deep groove in the cover. But it has been repaired and secured earlier.
Damaged secondary axle shims. The shims can easily move out of place during installation of the cover. These were replaced.
The main axle “oil pan” had collected quite a lot of dirt. The back cover was replaced because of some cracking.
The back cover to axles -spacing is measured with the paper gasket in place.
Measuring the shim discs with a micrometer.
New shim sets for the back cover.
Putting in the gear levers.
Adjusting the gear levers.
Gear levers done.
And back cover done.
We also re-shimmed the differential as there seemed to be a little too much tolerance.
Selecting the proper crown wheel shims.
Measuring the crown wheel tolerance with a micrometer.
Gearbox done.
good work Tommi. You do a great job of explaining and showing the pictures as you go through the project. Looking forward to the next of your entries.
Good morning, my name is Paolo and I am writing from Italy. I am completely restoring a 1968 Saab 96 V4 DeLuxe. I am looking for the fabric (red) for the seats. I can be kind enough to help: caponigri@cervia.it
Hello, my name is Frank and I’m rebuilding my manual transmission for my 1970 96. I am in need of a New shim set and race for the back cover. Any information as to where I can purchase this set would be greatly appreciated, I am in Colorado USA.
good work Tommi. You do a great job of explaining and showing the pictures as you go through the project. Looking forward to the next of your entries.
Good morning, my name is Paolo and I am writing from Italy. I am completely restoring a 1968 Saab 96 V4 DeLuxe. I am looking for the fabric (red) for the seats. I can be kind enough to help: caponigri@cervia.it
Hello, my name is Frank and I’m rebuilding my manual transmission for my 1970 96. I am in need of a New shim set and race for the back cover. Any information as to where I can purchase this set would be greatly appreciated, I am in Colorado USA.