Garage improvement

It's starting to look like a rally car...

The garage was getting a bit crowded with three cars, spares, and some new parts I bought. We have been planning on building some more storage space and shelves. The Saab 96 “Rally” is now completely painted, just finished the rear fenders today. Next – the engine build. (After we get rest of the shelves… Continue reading Garage improvement

Saab 96 Rally – a quick update

Just a few photos – I’m working on getting rest of the tins and body ready for paint, so nothing too exciting going on right now… Going through some boxes at home I came upon these old Saab-stickers. I think they’ll go on the “Rally”.

Saab 96 Rally – Sump guard

I already painted a good pair of front fenders but decided not to put such good pieces on the car. So I will recycle a couple of not so good Saab 95 fenders...

I sent the engine to the machinist a few days ago. I should get it back in about two or three weeks. And I made a little proggress on the rallycar. Mainly painting a few bits and pieces, and preparing the sump guard. I found the old sump guard but it was missing quite a… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – Sump guard

Saab 96 Rally – backup lights and gearbox

New endcap being cleaned. Ofcourse this means that all the endcap spacer rings need to be fitted all over again.

I have ordered the pistons and should get them in about a week or two. So for now it’s just doing all the minor things that still need doing. We inspected the gearbox – a few little things to fix, but nothing major it seems: And I decided to install the Works-style backup lights. I… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – backup lights and gearbox

Saab 96 Rally – A little update

And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.

Lots of miscellaneous stuff still to do on the car… Here’s a little update on some of them. I already ordered some more parts and it looks like I’ll order the pistons this week. I thought I might find them easy enough here in Finland, but it seems that they are no longer as abundand… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – A little update