Saab 96 Rally – A little update

And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.
And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.

Lots of miscellaneous stuff still to do on the car… Here’s a little update on some of them.

I already ordered some more parts and it looks like I’ll order the pistons this week. I thought I might find them easy enough here in Finland, but it seems that they are no longer as abundand as they used to be…

Next saturday we have the Saab Club winter happening and I’m going. Tikkis promised to bring his rallycross V4, so I figured it’s time to setup the camera gear. I decided to make a rollcage clamp for my Gopro Hero3 action camera. I hacked it together from some aluminum frame pieces. Definitely not pretty, but it does have height adjustment and three point attachment to the rollcage main tube and the diagonal.

Quick&dirty Hero3 rollcage clamp - version 0.1. It felt steady enough, but let's see how it works on the stage with all the shaking and vibrations.
Quick&dirty Hero3 rollcage clamp – version 0.1. It felt steady enough, but let’s see how it works on the stage with all the shaking and vibrations.
And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.
And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.

One comment

  1. Tommi, great pictures, and great progress on the Rally Saab. I have saved these last pictures in your own folder on my computer. I must go back and save all the others. I like the idea of the 2″ or was it 2 1/2′ exhaust. Thanks for updating, and as always looking forward to your next post.
    Bill… Cheers

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