I have done a few small upgrades on the two-stroke.
The trunk floor has been pretty ugly all the time – one half unpainted, the other painted yellow! So I decided to fix that.
I have done some winter driving now and found out that since I don’t have front curtain to protect the distributor it tends to freeze a bit. So I have some ignition problems. I decided to install the little protector plate that bullnoses have (attached to the curtain housing). Since I don’t have the curtain I needed to install it an alternative way.
And also I had this Marchall fog light I wanted to put on the car.
So, here’s some images of doing all that:
Painting the trunk floor boards.
Installed – looks quite neat now.
The distributor is quite exposed to water and snow so I decided to make a bit of protection for it.
The bullnosedistributor protection plate needed to be modified a bit to fit my setup (I don’t have the front curtain assembly).
And a view from inside the engine room.
I had this spare Marchall foglight and wanted to put it on the car.
Making the bracket. I wanted it be quite strong so the vibration will not break it.
Rounding the leading edge.
Test fitting.
Holes drilled and some paint for corrosion prevention.
I welded some extra support to the under side.
Tight fit. There’s a small rubber tit at the end of the bolt to protect the bumper.