I previously wrote about the very last Saab 900 that the Finnish police still has. Yesterday username “saamu” posted a link on the Saab Club Finland discussion board of a news article where it was stated that the very last 1993 model Saab 900 has finally retired from police service. What will happen to the… Continue reading The last police Saab 900 retires
Saab splash screen for TomTom navigator
My way old Navigon doesn’t have an up-to-date map of Europe. Buying a map update AND a memory expansion for the Navigon cost about the same as buying a new unit so I went for a new TomTom. And the screen is also about 3x bigger… And since it’s possible I just had to update… Continue reading Saab splash screen for TomTom navigator
Getting ready for IntSaab2012 in Spa, Belgium
We are participating in the IntSaab2012 in Spa, Belgium. Since we are driving to the event from Finland there was some basic maintenance to be done on the car. We’ll be using my daily driver – a 1988 Saab 900i Combi (8 valve). Here’s our route: The driving distance is about 1800 kilometers (about 2000… Continue reading Getting ready for IntSaab2012 in Spa, Belgium
Saab 96 “V4 Xtreme”
I just stumbled upon this somewhere (can’t remember where). Anyway, I think this “96 V4 Extreme” looks pretty awesome! And by the pictures it looks like there’s a tech upgrade coming that will make it truly “extreme” 😀 Cool car, check the rest at Garaget.org: http://www.garaget.org/?car=121513&image=1721976
A little luck goes a long way…
So, the 1964 got registered and I’ve been taking it for a some rides the past few days. There’s been a few hicups which were pretty much expected – it is after all an almost 50 year old car and last saw the open roads in 1976! But I did have one really annoying problem… Continue reading A little luck goes a long way…
Part 77. Saab 96 1964 on the road again…
The 1964 two stroke is finally on the road again for the first time since 1976! I got it inspected and registered today. The inspection itself was passed with flying colours, but there was a few hicups to sort before it:
Saab kirjallisuutta (Saab books, in Finnish only)
Hur jag får mest av min Saab tvåtaktare Sven A. Hansson Julkaisija: Walter Wolf-Verlag Saksalainen kustantaja on tehnyt melkoisen kulttuuriteon ja julkaissut uudelleen Hanssonin oppaan kaksitahti-Saabien omistajille. Opuksessa on samoissa kansissa sekä ruotsinkielinen alkuteos että saksannos. Kirja sisältää kaavakuvien ja säätöarvojen lisäksi käytännönläheisiä neuvoja tärpättiruiskun käyttöön ja huoltoon. Kirjan osto onnistuu osoitteessa www.walterwolfverlag.de > shop… Continue reading Saab kirjallisuutta (Saab books, in Finnish only)
For sale – Saab Sport&Rally stuff
Tikkis is putting for sale some Sport&Rally stuff. Read the descriptions below the thumbnails. As the IntSaab2012 is nearing it is possible to deliver at least some (smaller) items to Belgium (both me and Tikkis are participating). Of course you can pick them up in Finland also if you so wish. ALL INQUIRIES (price/condition/what’s included/…)… Continue reading For sale – Saab Sport&Rally stuff
National Classic Car Day 2012 Finland – Saab 95 1961
A fellow Saab Club member Vesa brought in his 1961 two stroke Saab 95 Wagon – a seven seater. The car is in original unrestored condition except for some touch up paint in the engine room. Very nice patina for a 50+ year old Saab! Vesa has owned the car for several years waiting for… Continue reading National Classic Car Day 2012 Finland – Saab 95 1961
National Classic Cars Day 2012 Finland – more photos
And here’s some more photos of the non-Saab participants: