Saab 900 Turbo RC-car, Radio-Racer/Taiyo, Japan

There’s no year on the car/box, but I’d guess this is about mid 80’s.



  1. Hi, I am looking to get hold of one of these for my boyfriend. I have been scouring ebay now for about 2 years. I was wondering if you had any advice on how to get hold of one? Thanks.

    1. Hi, these are extremely hard to find. I have only seen a few on any internet marketplace. You could try keeping an eye also on the “Swedish ebay”, I can only wish you luck on your search!

    2. Hello there. I came across one when helping clean out a friends estate. Let me know if you are interested.

  2. Hi, very very nice Saab!! I remember my school mate had the blue version at the 80’s. I had the red Taiyo Volvo 740/760 from the same series. Later on it was crushed in an “accident” but now I just found another one and bought it immediately. These seem to be hard to find indeed. I’m still missing original transmitter… Here are pics of my Volvo:

  3. Have one 900 turbo darkblue with ligtblue and yellow stripes as good as new. Give me a bid and maybe i will sell it.

    Regards Stefan

  4. i had one when i was a kid in 1990 it was black and on the hood it had the clarion stereo logo on it you can use a nikko rc controller for it it is compatible

  5. Don’t know if anybody’s still interested but I think I’ve got one listed on eBay now. Have a look, might be what you’re looking for.

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