I’m taking a break from the Saab 99 turbo metal work. Just to do something else for a while I decided to inspect and repair some two stroke gearboxes. Also a friend asked me to fix his shortnose 95 noisy gearbox.
Finding the necessary bearings was not exactly easy. I did have some new bearings and components that I used on the Saab Sport rally car gearbox. Some are simply not availlabe, like the 25x29x28 mm 2nd gear needle bearings. I needed to find a suitable replacement.
I also did a spare box for the Sport. I got offered a V4 Special 1 drive gears. Fitting them in a two stroke gearbox required using some bearings and the side axle from a V4 box.
The 1964 Saab Sport gearbox
Saab Sport competition gearbox to be inspected and repaired.
Gearbox casing glass bead blasted.
Gear sets and spares.
Side axle components (1st and 2nd gear). Thoroughly washed in petrol and then grease remover.
Some wear and tear. Replaced.
The Sport box had the “T” gears. T for tävling = competition. So they are actually the Special 1 gear set.
Main axle.
The axle had a 10 roller V4 freewheel so I wanted to put in the stronger 6 roller two-stroke version. Removing the freewheel – using a spare clutch axle to twist it free.
The 10 roller freewheel in a plastic holder. The holder keeps the rollers and springs from flying all over the shop.
Some of the boxes needed a new 2nd gear needle bearing. Unfortunately they are almost impossible to find.
I decided to replace the original 25x29x28 mm needle bearing with two 13 mm bearings and spacer ring. The spacer rings were machined by another Saab enthusiast Lasse Peltola.
Here’s the new bearing setup for the two stroke side axle. Spacer ring and two needle bearings. We shall see how they hold up. Ofcourse the V4 doesn’t need these as it has grooved bushings machined directly to the axle.
There was too big a gap between the speedometer gear and the holder. This could cause oil to creep up the speedometer cable.
I fitted a thin washer to close the gap.
Putting it all together. Pinion axle in the box.
All gear sets in the Saab Sport box.
Locking the nuts.
Shimming the axles. The shims are temporarily held in place by glue, before the cover is placed on the box.
There we go – done!
I decided to paint the box red as it should be in a Saab Sport.
Painting the drive joint parts.
New inner drive shafts.
New drive joint rubbers.
And the inner drive shaft inserted in the rubber.
The other side.
Inner half of the joint installed in the gearbox.
“Mickey Mouses” – the outer part of the drive joint.
Mickey Mouse felt inserts being cleaned in paint thinner.
And the felt pieces inserted. Now the joint needs some Vaseline grease for lubrication.
Other side of the outer half.
This one is now pretty much completed!
Some of the other gearboxes
The 95 gearbox had a broken pinion axle two row bearing. No wonder it was noisy.
Also this longnose aluminium box was inspected and put together.
I managed to get hold of a V4 Special 1 gear set. I decided to use them on the Saab Sport spare box. To fit the V4 gear set in a two stroke box you need some bearings and the side axle from a V4.
I also had one set of steel gear levers so I decided put them in also.
One spare gearbox for the Saab Sport.
Hey Tommi you do terrific work,wish you were near by!
Thanks for the comment Gerald! I’m very happy that the two stroke and Sport gearboxes are now pretty much sorted. Now I can store them properly to wait for future use. Tommi
Hey Tommi you do terrific work,wish you were near by!
Thanks for the comment Gerald! I’m very happy that the two stroke and Sport gearboxes are now pretty much sorted. Now I can store them properly to wait for future use. Tommi