Upholstery stuff – my first attempt

Stapling in the cardboard strip.
Stapling in the cardboard strip.

Since I left the Sport seats to be upholstered I kind of got more interested in maybe trying that stuff out myself. As it happened the local adult education center here offered a course in automotive upholstering basics. Or rather it was a workshop where you could do your own stuff with a tutor giving advice. As it happened the course location was just 50 meters from my front door so it was quite easy to decide to attend!

So for the past few months I’ve been learning how to do this stuff. Here’s some photos of my first practice piece – a Saab 96 two-stroke rear seat back:

The course made me realize that the upholstery stuff is actually quite interesting and also pretty simple to do when you learn the basics. So I went ahead and bought a sewing machine to be able to continue on my own. I already decided to make new upholstery for the white two-stroke. I also plan on fixing the upholstery on the 99 Turbo myself (it only needs some repairs). The Saab Sport needs a completely new upholstery also – I will practice on these somewhat simpler projects before taking it on…

Ja ihan suomeksi tiedoksi:

Tampereen seudulla keinonahkaa, pehmusteaineita ja verhoilukankaita löytyy esimerkiksi Tampereen Vaahtomuovista. Vaahtomuovin myymälä on Tampereen keskustassa, mutta valikoimaa löytyy myös verkkokaupasta:

Keinonahat (eli tekonahat):

Verhoilukankaita – kannattaa melkein käydä paikan päällä, villakankaan tyylisiä kankaita on helpoin selata ja vertailla alkuperäiseen näytemapeista:

Pehmusteaineista lähinnä tarvinnee levyvanua:


  1. What an achievement, it looks perfect. Always look forward to your posts, very inspiring. cheers Keith, Scotland.

  2. Hi. Very good job made. But what kind of fabric did you use because I didn’t find it in the links you left.

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