Engine and gearbox disassembly

Taking the engine apart
Taking the engine apart

The next step was to disassemble the engine and gearbox to have the components refurbished.

Taking the engine apart
Taking the engine apart

Taking the engine apart was pretty straightforward. As usual I took several detail photos of the different components and what type of bolts go where. Also, I separated all the nuts and bolts according to if they were originally only zinc coated or also yellow passivated.

Detail photo of bolts used on the engine mount
Detail photo of bolts used on the engine mount

I was already pretty sure when I bought the car that it had all the right components but still it was nice to see that the gearbox, cylinder head, camshaft etc. were all correct 99 Turbo stuff.

S-gearbox as it should be on a 99 Turbo
S-gearbox as it should be on a 99 Turbo

As the gearbox was functioning nicely there was no need to completely take it apart. So we just removed all the bolts and the side plate to have them re-coated. Of course the box was thoroughly cleaned inside and out.

Removing side plate on the gearbox
Removing side plate on the gearbox

The engine internals checked out. No excessive wear and it was running clean before the project begun so there was no need to do much more than clean it up and new coat of paint.

Cleaning the engine block for some fresh paint
Cleaning the engine block for some fresh paint
And the engine block painted
And the engine block painted

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