Saab 96 V4 Rally – paint
Painting a few bits and pieces:
Painting a few bits and pieces:
Just a few photos – I’m working on getting rest of the tins and body ready for paint, so nothing too exciting going on right now… Going through some boxes at home I came upon these old Saab-stickers. I think they’ll go on the “Rally”.
I sent the engine to the machinist a few days ago. I should get it back in about two or three weeks. And I made a little proggress on the rallycar. Mainly painting a few bits and pieces, and preparing the sump guard. I found the old sump guard but …
We decided to go through the gearbox and check if there’s any problems. Fortunately no major issues but there were some that needed to be fixed. Some photos and explanations:
I have ordered the pistons and should get them in about a week or two. So for now it’s just doing all the minor things that still need doing. We inspected the gearbox – a few little things to fix, but nothing major it seems: And I decided to install …
Lots of miscellaneous stuff still to do on the car… Here’s a little update on some of them. I already ordered some more parts and it looks like I’ll order the pistons this week. I thought I might find them easy enough here in Finland, but it seems that they …
A shorter version of this article in English at Hankiralli-yhdistys ry on tehnyt merkittävän kulttuuriteon suomalaisen ralliautoilun historian tallentamisessa kustantaessaan “Hankis”-kirjan. Kirja käsittelee Hankirallin yli 50-vuotista taivalta aina vuodesta 1955 vuoteen 1994, johon varsinaisten pitkien Hankirallien voidaan katsoa päättyneen. Kirjan kirjoittajana on pääosin toiminut Esa Illoinen. Työryhmän jäseninä puolestaan …
Just a short update: I did the rally style gas pedal modification and replaced the V4 pedal with the bigger two-stroke pedal. And I’m willing to part with some “junk” at quite reasonable prices. I’m happy to get rid of these. Make me an offer. Also – I have now …
The car needs a fuel pump upgrade. The V4 original will not do with dual Webers… 😀 You could ofcourse just go to a store and buy a bigger and better fuel pump. But, as this is something of a budget build we decided to go with what we had. …
Just a quick update on a few bits and pieces: I had this 1.7 crankshaft that needed grinding for under size bearings. But as it happened bearings in the sizes I needed were not that easy to get. I needed 0.50mm for the connecting rods and the full 1mm for …