Getting the two-stroke ready for the summer

The lambda meter (fuel/air ratio meter) and the small revcounter that I will install under the dash.

Just a quick update. The two-stroke is pretty much ready for the summer. I installed all the stuff I was planning on (lambda meter, steering rack, engine and gearbox mounts, revcounter and a backup light). A few photos: I think between the lambda meter and the revcounter I will get pretty good info on the… Continue reading Getting the two-stroke ready for the summer

AJA-magazines – Saab marketing in the 1960s to 1994

I have been collecting the old Scan-Auto AJA customer magazines for many years. Especially the older ones from the sixties are hard to find. Especially since all the Scania truck enthusiasts want the same magazines! But all in all I have managed to find a pretty good collection. The AJA magazine was setup by the… Continue reading AJA-magazines – Saab marketing in the 1960s to 1994

Saab 96 Rally – backup lights and gearbox

New endcap being cleaned. Ofcourse this means that all the endcap spacer rings need to be fitted all over again.

I have ordered the pistons and should get them in about a week or two. So for now it’s just doing all the minor things that still need doing. We inspected the gearbox – a few little things to fix, but nothing major it seems: And I decided to install the Works-style backup lights. I… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – backup lights and gearbox

Saab 96 Rally – A little update

And this is pretty much the view it will record. The Hero3 is pretty wide angle so I may need to find a telephoto lens for it.

Lots of miscellaneous stuff still to do on the car… Here’s a little update on some of them. I already ordered some more parts and it looks like I’ll order the pistons this week. I thought I might find them easy enough here in Finland, but it seems that they are no longer as abundand… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – A little update

Historical photos from the Uusikaupunki car factory

Saab 96 V4 production line Uusikaupunki

The Uusikaupunki museum has published some really nice photos from the Uusikaupunki car factory. So, there’s over a hundred pictures of Saab production available on their Facebook pages. And they say on the page that there’s a lot more to come, as they have a lot of undigitized film originals still to go through. There… Continue reading Historical photos from the Uusikaupunki car factory

Hankis – Hankirallia vuodesta 1955.

A shorter version of this article in English at Hankiralli-yhdistys ry on tehnyt merkittävän kulttuuriteon suomalaisen ralliautoilun historian tallentamisessa kustantaessaan “Hankis”-kirjan. Kirja käsittelee Hankirallin yli 50-vuotista taivalta aina vuodesta 1955 vuoteen 1994, johon varsinaisten pitkien Hankirallien voidaan katsoa päättyneen. Kirjan kirjoittajana on pääosin toiminut Esa Illoinen. Työryhmän jäseninä puolestaan ovat olleet lisäksi Peter Geitel,… Continue reading Hankis – Hankirallia vuodesta 1955.