Myydään lehtiä. For Sale – magazines.

Both Finnish and international magazines and brochures offered for sale. Make me an offer! Sekä kotimaisia, että ulkolaisia. Tarjoahan jotain! International: Suomenkieliset lehdet ja esitteet / Finnish magazines and brochures:

Myydään Saab-esitteitä ja AJA-lehtiä (in Finnish only)

Saab 900 1983. A4 30s. 10 €.

Myydään esitteet ja lehdet. Yhteydet: Esitteet: Hinnat sisältävät kotimaan postituksen. Esitteet ovat hyväkuntosia ja siistejä – poislukien ne, joiden kohdalla on muuta ilmoitettu. Ilmoitetut koot “noin”-kokoja, pientä vaihtelua näissä on. AJA-lehdet: Aja-lehtien kunto on normaali lukukunto tai parempi (ei repeämiä, ei sotkuja), ellei erikseen ole mainittua, että se on viallinen. Vialliseksi mainituissa mapitusreiät. Postituskulut… Continue reading Myydään Saab-esitteitä ja AJA-lehtiä (in Finnish only)

My trip to Trollhättan

Time to leave Trollhättan. A little photo opportunity to remind us of the airplane heritage of Saab.

The trip to Trollhättan started on Wednesday from my garage at Nokia, Finland. I drove my two stroke to Turku where I met Tikkis and Sami who brought the V4 Rally on a trailer. The V4 was offloaded (we left the trailer at a fellow saab club member Tero Setäläs shop) and we continued on… Continue reading My trip to Trollhättan

Saab Festival, Trollhättan, Sweden – the video

I returned yesterday from the Saab Festival in Trollhättan. Simply an amazing event – so many beautifully restored / orginal / rare / new / custom Saabs to see! The drive from Stockholm went fine and we visited some Swedish enthusiasts on the way to Trollhättan. The event lasted three days and the weather was… Continue reading Saab Festival, Trollhättan, Sweden – the video

Saab two stroke trailer hitch

I have this trailer connector tester which makes checking you have the right wires in the right place easy.

I decided to put a trailer hitch on the two stroke. Basically just in case I need to take something bigger to a club event. I had an original Saab 95 trailer hitch that I did not need so I exchanged it to the 96 model with a fellow Saab Club member Vesa. It had… Continue reading Saab two stroke trailer hitch

Fuel system repair on the two-stroke

Grinding the port edges with a compressed air grinder. Wish I had smaller hands...

As I promised in the previous post – here’s a bit more info on what we did to fix the fuel issues on the two-stroke: So – as we suspected the fuel intake pipe in the fuel tank had become corroded during the long period the car was stored outside before I bought it. On… Continue reading Fuel system repair on the two-stroke

Saab Club driving season opened once again

Pasi Koskinen's Saab Sport historic series rally car.

Yesterday we had the Old And Classic Saab Meet at Hyvinkää. I and a fellow two-stroke saabisti Vesa participated. I took the white ’64 and Vesa brought his very original condition 1961 Saab 95. Last weekend I had to replace the complete fuel system for my stroker (including the fuel tank and fuel pump). I’ll… Continue reading Saab Club driving season opened once again

Lockheed brake master cylinder, V4 corrosion repair, two stroke fuel lines

Just a little update. I promised to do some welding on a V4. The corrosion was worse than it looked (as it always is) but we got it done. I have also been collecting parts to fix the fuel issues with the two-stroke. And I started to fix the Lockheed brake master cylinder of the… Continue reading Lockheed brake master cylinder, V4 corrosion repair, two stroke fuel lines