Turbo clutch job

The turbo needed to have it’s clutch changed. The first order of business was to make some room: In the turbo there’s a bit of intake tubes and hoses to remove… The clutch assembly and the slave cylinder were pretty much shot. No wonder the clutch felt crap: To remove the housing the splines need… Continue reading Turbo clutch job

Turbo spring maintenance

I have done some maintenance stuff on the T8 Special. Since the car needs to be MOT’d next week I had the emissions tested. It’s a catalysator model so it’s considered a “low emission vehicle” and the maximum emission values are pretty strict. T8 Kats can be difficult when it comes to emissions so I… Continue reading Turbo spring maintenance

Photos from the winter event

Better late than never! I took my time uploading these, but here we go – some images from the Saab Club of Finland winter event 2009. Saab Club of Finland displaying a few cars at “Talviheikki 2009” event. Some footage of setting up and of the cars. For example: Saab 95 1961, Saab 96 Monte… Continue reading Photos from the winter event

Saab-Club spring event

We had the yearly Saab Club spring event yesterday in Jyväskylä. I didn’t have too much time to stay so I only took a few photos. But, all-in-all a nice round trip of around 300 kilometers in the Turbo was very nice after the winter break.

Scan-Auton hyvän tahdon Poliisi Saabit

Scan-Auto lahjoitti valtiolle 4 kappaletta Poliisi-varusteisia Saab 96:sia vuosina 1965-1968. Saabit nimettiin “Hyvän Tahdon” autoiksi, mutta lahjoituksella ei kuitenkaan ollut mitään tekemistä Niilo Tarvajärven keräämien lahjoitusten kanssa, vaan asia oli puhtaasti Scan-Auton oman aktiivisuuden tuotos. Lahjoitetut autot olivat Saab 96 Sport 1965 (kaksitahtinen), Saab 96 Special 1966 (kaksitahtinen), Saab 96 V4 1967 sekä Saab 96… Continue reading Scan-Auton hyvän tahdon Poliisi Saabit