Part 28. The grille

Bits and pieces… I started to strip the bonnet but I have to figure out if I really want to use this one. It’s pretty bad – corrosion, bad welding and it’s somewhat out of shape. Might be a lot easier just to get a better one.

Kai L. Bremer – Opi tuntemaan SAAB

“Opi tuntemaan SAAB” on Kai L. Bremerin 1963 Oy Importer Ab:llä myyjänä toimiessaan laatima opas SAAB-omistajille. Opas käsittelee käytännön tasolla kaksitahtisaabin vaatimaa huomiota ja huolenpitoa – mutta ennen kaikkea oikeata käyttötapaa. Makupaloiksi muutamia kuolemattomia lausahduksia: “Olette varmaankin SAAB-ajajana joutunut toteamaan SAABin kiistämättömät edut. Olette tällöin ehkä myös todennut, että SAAB on yksityiskohtia myöten tarkoin suunniteltu… Continue reading Kai L. Bremer – Opi tuntemaan SAAB

The accident

Damn! I just got the B105 running again and had an accident only a couple of days later. Well, just a little “fender bender” but totally my own fault. Actually it was quite a “lucky” accident in the sense that, even though I rammed my friends 1975 Saab 95, the damage to the 95 was… Continue reading The accident

Saab 96 – NModell HO and N scales

Nmodell Saab 96 1962 kit, HO Scale (1/87) Small but nice resin model with clear plastic windows and photoetched grille and steering wheel. Nmodell Saab 96, N-scale Tiny but well shaped resin model. The kit has 6 pieces. NModell site:

Timing gears and gearbox

Well, I have to get the “B105” running again (shot timing gears and some gearbox trouble), so I started by removing the engine and gearbox. Also washed the engine bay. I then removed replacement engine and gearbox from one of the 95’s. I took the engine apart to get the timing gears and installed them… Continue reading Timing gears and gearbox