Still workin on the front end of the car. Here’s some pics: Too bad that nice light gray will be covered with rustproofing oil. I will use Dinitrol for the job. Test fitting the door: The window frame needs to be cut to proper length and then welded.
Author: Tommi Järvinen
Part 29. Front lip
Attaching the front lip. Now the front of the car is ready for paint. After that I can start putting it together. Since lot of the metal in the engine bay was replaced because of corrosion I wanted to be absolutely certain that the engine lines up properly and that it actually fits where it… Continue reading Part 29. Front lip
Part 28. The grille
Bits and pieces… I started to strip the bonnet but I have to figure out if I really want to use this one. It’s pretty bad – corrosion, bad welding and it’s somewhat out of shape. Might be a lot easier just to get a better one.
Kai L. Bremer – Opi tuntemaan SAAB
“Opi tuntemaan SAAB” on Kai L. Bremerin 1963 Oy Importer Ab:llä myyjänä toimiessaan laatima opas SAAB-omistajille. Opas käsittelee käytännön tasolla kaksitahtisaabin vaatimaa huomiota ja huolenpitoa – mutta ennen kaikkea oikeata käyttötapaa. Makupaloiksi muutamia kuolemattomia lausahduksia: “Olette varmaankin SAAB-ajajana joutunut toteamaan SAABin kiistämättömät edut. Olette tällöin ehkä myös todennut, että SAAB on yksityiskohtia myöten tarkoin suunniteltu… Continue reading Kai L. Bremer – Opi tuntemaan SAAB
The accident
Damn! I just got the B105 running again and had an accident only a couple of days later. Well, just a little “fender bender” but totally my own fault. Actually it was quite a “lucky” accident in the sense that, even though I rammed my friends 1975 Saab 95, the damage to the 95 was… Continue reading The accident
Part 26. Repairing the doors
Passenger side I started to fix the doors, just to have some variation. Welding the body is getting a bit boring… So, having not done any of this before, I just cut the old door skin off. …Well, ofcourse I had to figure out how it’s attached, but it turned out to be quite simple.… Continue reading Part 26. Repairing the doors
Saab 96 by Saab Expressions
Saab 96 – NModell HO and N scales
Nmodell Saab 96 1962 kit, HO Scale (1/87) Small but nice resin model with clear plastic windows and photoetched grille and steering wheel. Nmodell Saab 96, N-scale Tiny but well shaped resin model. The kit has 6 pieces. NModell site:
Timing gears and gearbox
Well, I have to get the “B105” running again (shot timing gears and some gearbox trouble), so I started by removing the engine and gearbox. Also washed the engine bay. I then removed replacement engine and gearbox from one of the 95’s. I took the engine apart to get the timing gears and installed them… Continue reading Timing gears and gearbox
Saab 96 two stroke 1964
Kevin from US send me these photos. He is restoring a 1964 Saab 96 with his son. Thanks for the photos Kevin!