The Ocar Saab 96 isn’t really made for serious racing, but more a display model. The resin body makes the car top heavy and crashing will cause more or less serious damage. The body looks pretty nice. The front section is quite ok, but the rear section is not quite in the correct shape. Above… Continue reading Ocar Saab 96 Slot Car
Kolmisylinterinen kaksitahtikone – SAAB
KOLMESYLINTERINEN KAKSITAHTIKONE Tommi Järvinen / 2005 (Julkaistu Saabisti nr. 60 / 2005) Saab oli Toisen Maailmansodan jälkeen oudossa tilanteessa; Lentokoneiden myynti ei sodanjälkeisessä Euroopassa ollut kovinkaan kuumaa bisnestä, joten tulonlähteitä jouduttiin hakemaan muualta. Autonvalmistus ei aluksi ollut mitenkään itsestään selvä ratkaisu, Saab kokeili mm. alumiiniveneiden kaupittelua, mutta se osoittautui kannattamattomaksi. Mutta kun ”Projekti 92” vihdoin… Continue reading Kolmisylinterinen kaksitahtikone – SAAB
Turbomoottori on erilainen
Hauska Saab-esite
Saab 95 Van 1961
A videoclip of my friend Vesa’s 1961 Saab 95 (It’s from last summer but I only just uploaded it to Youtube.) The car is in very good and pretty much original condition. Some paintwork in the engine bay and basic maintenance, but other than that the car is original.
Saab cards and posters
Rare Saabs – “The Finnish Specials”
SAAB 99 FINLANDIA The prototypes for the Saab 99 Finlandia were made in 1976 at the Uusikaupunki Saab factory in Finland. The car was lengthened some 25 cm by adding an extra piece to the middle of the body. The “limo” went to actual production in 1977 when a total of 23 Finlandias were made.… Continue reading Rare Saabs – “The Finnish Specials”
Talviheikki 2009
We had little event in Turku last weekend. I was part of the team that set the display up and also spent sunday there telling people about Saabs. Here’s a short clip I filmed; setting up, the cars and then leaving:
Part 57. Rear brakes
A bit more about the rear brakes: Pretty much “everything” new here (piston, shoes)… (Oops! As “Saab 95” reminded in the comments – the springs are on the wrong side of the shoes in the photo… They have to be on the inside! I remembered it as I put the hub on – installed this… Continue reading Part 57. Rear brakes
Part 56. Miscellaneous
Ah, the snow 🙂 – – – – The brake lines are almost done (new lines and hoses all round). Although I’m still waiting for the front brake hoses from Sweden – they should be here in two weeks time. I decided to fix the fuel pump. It looked like a mouse had made a… Continue reading Part 56. Miscellaneous
Part 55. Alternator, temperature gauge, wiper motor & heater fan
Fitting the Saab 99 alternator took a little effort. None of the mounts were directly usable so we had to make a new lower one and modify the top one: The lower mount was too far back so we made a new one that moved the alternator forward about 5 centimeters to line up the… Continue reading Part 55. Alternator, temperature gauge, wiper motor & heater fan