More Spare Parts Vans… This ’71 Van has spent the last 10 years under a tree in a “Saab Forest” (see a couple of pics from the site down below). The front’s done for. Left rear fender is relatively easy to fix. Right rear fender – good as new! The boot section is in good… Continue reading Saab 95 Van 1971 for spares
Saab 95 Van 1970 for spares
Just bought this for spare parts… Now I have to find a project car to use them on! 🙂
Saabclub Winter Happening 2006
Warning! Low flying aircraft!
Part 17. Fitting some parts
I’ve had a bit of break from the project, but it’s sort of starting to pick up again. Here’s some pictures of fitting the bumber and finalising the fitting of the bonnet and fenders. Unfortunately all pics were taken with inferior equipment. Passenger side was pretty good, only minor hammering was necessary. The driver side… Continue reading Part 17. Fitting some parts
Part 16. Radiator
A few shots of the radiator my father fixed. The radiator was in moderate condition, but a few attachments had been broken loose, so he tinned those in place. It was ofcourse put through a parts washing machine before that. Afterwards it was further cleaned and then painted black. Looks great now! After tinning it,… Continue reading Part 16. Radiator
Saab 96 1977 – Winter Fun
Having a little winter fun, dad at the wheel and I taking photos…
Part 15. Paint and metal
The pedal box …And other miscellaneous parts… Yeah – more stuff than I actually need for this project… Some metal work: Here’s a few illustrative shots of how much had to be replaced because of corrosion. Above: The footwell as it is now, after welding. Below: The green part (the floor) is from the donor… Continue reading Part 15. Paint and metal
Saab 95 V4 1969
This guy I once met told me that there is a Saab 95 rusting away in a forest near where I live. It took me almost six months but I finally went to see it, just in case it would be worth saving. The car turned out to be a Saab 95 V4 wagon (registered… Continue reading Saab 95 V4 1969
Part 14. Finished welding enginebay
One major step in the process has now been achieved: Welding of the front end is now done and I finally got to put on a coat of primer! There’s plenty of bodywork left, but this was definitely the most demanding one and took a lot of time. And a few more bits and pieces… Continue reading Part 14. Finished welding enginebay
Part 13. Driveshafts
Both driveshafts complete, awaiting a final coat of paint. Spares: Inner driveshaft joints Outer driveshaft joints Someone has used a bit too much force while removing this one…