Saab 9000 Turbo M prototype

The whole rear compartment was modified to accept the subframe and McPhersson suspension.

I have written previously about the Saab 900 Turbo M racing series here in Finland: (end of the page) And there’s also the post on with some more photos: The Turbo M racing series was quite popular back in the eighties. There were about 45 cars made in total (according to some… Continue reading Saab 9000 Turbo M prototype

SAAB production has started in Trollhättan

According to pre-production of new Saabs has begun in Trollhättan. That’s great news or should I say NEVS… 😀 More here:

Myydään / for sale: Saab 900i 1988

MYYTY / SOLD! (The car is spare parts condition, so this is in Finnish only) Ajoaikaa 2/2014 loppuun. Laatikko vinkuu + mätävikaa. Kyytiin saa perimätiedon mukaan 180 000 ajetun laatikon. Mittarilukema 430 000 km. Yhdet renkaat: kesärenkaat tonnarin vanteilla, alla. Ajelee pari kesää. Voidaan myydä osinakin jos kyselijöitä löytyy. Sijainti Nokia. Varustelistaa: Ohjaustehostin, miljonäärikaaret, ovenlasien… Continue reading Myydään / for sale: Saab 900i 1988

Categorised as Past cars

96 Rally – Mexico brackets and some paint

And the left hand side bracket from behind.

We made a little progress on the 96 “Rally” over the weekend. We needed to fit an engine block and gearbox to make the so-called Mexico brackets for extra support. I also modified the dash by cutting away the corners, to make it fit behind the vertical rollcage tubes. And I painted a few bits… Continue reading 96 Rally – Mexico brackets and some paint

Triboron nano boron two-stroke lubricant

Triboron två takts koncentrat. Nano boron lubrication.

This is a semi-sponsored story in the sense that I got a free sample of the Triboron 2-takts koncentrat on the condition that I would test it and write about it in my blog. But I also think that this is something that would interest other two-stroke enthusiasts. Triboron is a Swedish company and had… Continue reading Triboron nano boron two-stroke lubricant

Saab 96 Rally – Fitting the roll cage and painting the interior

Aluminium side panels make it look nice and clean.

I have not had too much time to work on the 96 “Rally”, but there is some progress. The rollcage was test fitted. Coming from a different Saab 96 it was not a straightforward bolt-on, but took some hammering, drilling, and welding… But all in all it went in easier than I thought it would.… Continue reading Saab 96 Rally – Fitting the roll cage and painting the interior

Neste Rally Finland 2013 with Simo Lampinen

Dani Sordo and the Citroen on the Torittu special stage at Neste Rally Finland.

I had the great pleasure of interviewing Simo again yesterday (I have been writing an article series of his career for the Saabisti magazine with Tikkis). As it happened the only time to catch up with him was during the WRC  Neste Rally Finland at Jämsä. The interview went great but the day turned out… Continue reading Neste Rally Finland 2013 with Simo Lampinen