The Evolution Of Rallying

A few vidcaps of the most excellent video “The Evolution Of Rallying – 50 Years Sideways” Also loads of other cars and general rallying history.

Part 11. Small steps

Just a few pics of painting the suspension etc. Sorry about the picture quality, I didn’t have a camera with me so I used the cellphone. The painting was pretty straightforward. Regular primer (single component) and black paint on that. I’m brush painting everything with a two component primer as I move forward. The bare… Continue reading Part 11. Small steps

Part 9. Some fun

The engine nearing completion And Saab actually won rallies with this all thru the 60’s! Beating cars such as Porsches in Monte Carlo and so on. Would You believe it? Dad assembling the clutch. Centering the clutch is easy if you use a spare gearbox axel. Pretty much all engine parts have been cleaned and… Continue reading Part 9. Some fun

Part 8. on carbs and exhaust

A Finnish enthusiast (Thanks Pauli!) sent me a copy of the service manual for the Saab triple carburetors. Much easier to plan the restoration and also to make correct adjustments. I hadn’t actually realised there’s three different setups of the long nose triple carbs: The “standard” version for 95 and 96, from 1965 onwards (this… Continue reading Part 8. on carbs and exhaust