Part 42. Underside corrosion protection

The underside of the car is now ready for corrosion protection. Everything has been painted: A can of Dinitrol “Corrosion protection for vehicle underbody” and a suitable spraygun. I see Black! Black! 😉 The great thing about painting the underbody a light colour is obvious. You see immediately if you miss a spot when spraying… Continue reading Part 42. Underside corrosion protection

Part 38. Original engine restored

During the winter the parts for the original motor of the car (the origial 1964 bullnose motor, not the longnose motor I’m actually going to use in the car) has been restored also. It looked so nice I decided to take more pictures than usual 🙂 Here goes:

Part 36. Generator-waterpump combo

Fixing the waterpump-generator-combo. The waterpump-generator-system of the bullnose is now fixed even though it will not be used on the car (as it will have the 1966 engine with separate waterpump and alternator). The best parts from two or three combos were used to make one that works fully. Also some new parts like bearings… Continue reading Part 36. Generator-waterpump combo